Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Jacklin Octave package

For this story I interviewed international student Jacklin Octave. He was really interesting to talk to. I focused my story on how he got here to Lindenwood and his job he has with Lightyear wireless. The shoot went really well but I wish I would have had one of his friends there to interview as well. I think that would have made the package better. I liked the package over all and other people seemed to as well but I think it's easy to like something if you're not looking at all the technicalities of it because actually, there was alot of things wrong with the editing. When I watched it on youtube, words were cut out, it was kind of jumpy-- things that seemed fine when I was done editing. I also think I should have done a better stand up. Thats something I really need to work on for this class. Other than that, I think the package was alright. Each one is definately a learning process. I enjoyed working with Jacklin and I'm glad I got to meet him. That is something thats cool with doing this type of thing is the people you get to meet and you learn all kinds of different things from them!

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